Recently I fell down the rabbit hole that is google while looking at cookie cutters. I found a blog post with the most adorable set of vintage Sesame Street Cookie cutters so I made it my mission to find a set on ebay. I made cookies for my son's birthday. Since I learned just about everything there was to know about this rare cookie stamper set from Wilton and Pillsbury, I have discovered that the recipe for Cookie Monster's Special Cookies is no where on the internet. Seeing as his famous recipe from the Sesame Street Treasury (and other books) is everywhere I thought I'd share this recipe for those of you with a bit of nostalgia for your old set, or those looking for a cinnamon flavored Cookie Monster cookie.
My notes are to use powdered sugar instead of flour when rolling out the cookies, make sure to dust the top surface of the cookie dough in addition to dipping the cutter in powdered sugar between cutting out each cookie. Failure to do so will mean that cookie dough will get caught in the crevices of your cookie stamp and will force you to dig out each sticky bit with a toothpick. I do not recommend using flour when rolling out the dough. I tried it on the Oscar cookies and they really tasted of flour after baking, whereas the Count/Cookie Monster/Grover cookies came out with a pleasant sweet cinnamon taste.
These images are hosted on flickr so please feel free to click on the recipe and download a higher resolution file for your baking use.

Grouch Cookies for a Messy themed birthday party

Cookies made with the Sesame Street Cookie Stamper

Cookie Monster looks lovingly on his fresh made cookies

Instructions for the Sesame Street Cookie Stamper

Cookie Monster's Special Cookie Recipe

More instructions, preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Baking Time

Final Message from Cookie Monster